July 24, 2019

Life in Madrid

It's hard to believe my summer in Canada had come to a close and I was heading back to Thailand for another school year. On my way, I decided to land in Spain for a week to see what that country was all about. Let's just say that I knew pretty soon I was in a different environment, for it took me a day or two to acclimatize to the slower pace of life there. It wasn’t difficult, mind you, I just needed the reminders that I was not in Canada anymore where the pace for most is ‘getting things done sooner than later’.

The warm weather was conducive to exploring any number of courtyards so I could relax and watch the world go by. I love having my hotel close to the center of town where history and culture abound.

In Madrid, one day, I found myself in Isabella Square near the Royal Palace for a morning coffee and then eating Paella, a type of Spanish rice dish, on an outdoor terrace along Calle de Vergara. From there I was able to take the subway to the Las Verdas bullring across town where they still hold bullfights. I was eager to take their self-guided tour of the building and learn about bullfighting in Spain.

The slower pace seems to permeate all aspects of the Spanish culture — even in the city where they eat dinner 9-10 at night and casually travel by subway that goes half the speed from what I am familiar. I suppose Spaniards realize that life is to be enjoyed and seem willing to slow down to ‘take in’ the finer things around them, like walking in the park and chatting with strangers.