October 21, 2013

Behind the Scenes

One day Doris and I decided to take a walk beyond the boundaries of our resort. A staff member said we would be able to reach the other side of the island after a 20 minute walk. Well, we obviously took a wrong turn because it was no 20 minute walk.

Don’t know where we went wrong because, according to the map, there are only a couple main roads on the island! I guess we took a left instead of right when we got to the road nearest our resort...?

At any rate, I’m glad we journeyed the length of the island (instead of width) because Doris and I got to see the behind-the-beaches life and other resort offerings. We encountered a number of friendly locals on our way, always offering a smile and greeting of "sawa-tee-ka" whether they were working on road construction, tending their village shop or a resident resting in the heat.

Along the road we encountered what I'll call a spirit house graveyard. Actually, it was a bit of an eerie sight where locals either dumped old spirit houses not in use anymore or purposely set up a place for evil spirits to congregate in the forest...? It’s another indication of the overt spiritual life in Asia as compared to the west. As followers of Christ, it is wonderfully comforting to know God remains in us at all times -- even when encountering other spirits. We are not left defenseless in such instances!

This was also the first time I remember seeing a field of lavender colored cone-shaped flowers. After further research, I believe they are called Annual Delphinium with various-colored florets on spikes that are 2-3 feet apart. If anyone knows otherwise, please advise =)

The way back was much more picturesque as we headed from the interior of the island toward the coast, observing other resorts that set up shop along the numerous beaches. Interesting how each resort has a flavor of its own, complete with resident dogs.

To get from one beach to another required we hike through bush areas and traverse rock outcroppings. It was in one of these bushes we encountered the biggest surprise with a (no kidding) 8-10 inch black spider sitting in its web blocking our path. That’s when I stepped in and bushwhacked the web and spider so we could continue on our way. Who says chivalry is dead?

Turns out the 20 minute walk was more of a 3.5 hour hike but what a great way to see Koh Samed!