August 27, 2007

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

I just got home from my first Korean professional baseball game. What an absolute riot! Technically the game is the same with 9 innings and such but the crowds and flavor of the game is so different than in North America. Aside from the fact that the Koreans like to munch on dried squid during the game, I would have to say I found the crowd cheering the most entertaining.

Imagine a Korean young guy standing on a platform and literally 'orchestrating' the crowd cheering through the entire game. They don't have near the crowds here as we do back home, so it feels more like a baseball game during spring training. Well, this guy had white gloves (like most public servants here in Asia, from train conductors to taxi drivers) and a whistle and directed the crowd as to when to chant, clap and sing. Then during the 5th inning stretch (not typical 7th) they had everyone stand up and do something like the 'hokey-pokey' or 'chicken dance'. Needless to say, I was highly entertained.

I went to the game with someone who has lived here for many years and he informed me that it is expected that people will double and triple park not only in stadium parking lots but around the city. That's OK, though, because they also expect that you'll leave your car in neutral so if they need to get out they'll literally push your car out of the way! Just make sure you don't leave your vehicle in neutral near a hill =)

Coming out of the ball park after the game, I found it interesting how many parents and young kids came up to us hoping we would speak English to them. I guess they see it as a way they can practice their language skills. They'll share with us the latest English word they learned and we smile and encourage them. One parent wanted us to see that his two year old knew how to "blink". These kids are so cute.